Hi frens,
I was honored to join the 1st APAC call of W3C Decentralized Identifiers (DID) working group, from working with Ministry of Digital Affairs of Taiwan.
As a software developer for the past decade, I have enjoyed the benefits of web standards and respective standard libraries. As Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) concept arises, we have a chance to step forward to drive the next digital transformation. That was why I made up my mind to pursue the opportunity (or risk my career?) of working with the bureaucracy, again, to shape our future.
My first impression of W3C is how old-school it is, and I love that!
The DID working group has been using IRC for online meeting progress, and even for autogenerating meeting note. Classic! I remembered vividly how we used IRC during COSCUP for group chatting, and now it can be used for productivity.
For the upcoming W3C's annual conference, TPAC 2024, there’s a slides template in HTML. Wow! I remembered that when I learned html/css/javascript many years ago, I was so into the idea of HTML to be human-readable and hand-written, and CSS Zen Garden has shown infinite design possibilities enabled by CSS.
I started my career as a mobile app developer and also worked with web technologies. I couldn’t be more excited to join the frontiers of the web world, to learn and to contribute.
Your friend,